Saturday, August 30, 2014

First Peter Two Nine Chronicles: The Royal Priesthood

We are a Royal Priesthood: What is the priesthood? We are first ministers to our God. We serve in His House. Performing our duties with love, diligence, & for the glory of God. In this we are trained to know the Father. To hear His voice. To learn His ways (His way is in the sanctuary). To learn His law & to teach it faithfully to His Sheep. (Abba, Your Word I Have Written In My Heart, that I might not sin against You). Priest make the sacrifice to live holy, in honor & integrity. They are prophetic in that they are in position to speak for God, as the oracle of God, declaring His counsel; His wisdom; His truth. Declaring what is and what will be according to the word of the Lord. They walk in authority and yet with grace & humility. They are shepherds who are sheep to the Lord. It's our duty & purpose to obey. Priests are intercessors for the sheep. They offer prayers for themselves & those they lead. They lead by example. The next generation will perform what we do, not only what we say. We don't live double lives. Do we fall? yes. Do we stumble? yes. Do we repent? Alway. We are a Royal Priesthood. Royal. Not naturally royal, but heavenly royal. Our priesthood is from heaven. It is where we were given authority before we were born. Our authority is supernatural. Our confidence in that authority come from the knowing that it is backed by heaven. What's bound in earth...Was bound in heaven. Our lineage is by blood. We are born in. Our adoption was assured & guaranteed by the blood of the Lamb. Yes. We are royal! We have authority that backs our priesthood. 1 Peter 2:9. Know who you are... Know what you possess... Know how to operate... And what you don't know, don't be prideful or ashamed to learn... We all had to learn. Oh Glory!! Leader's Lead. #‎PrayIsWhatIDo

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

THE GIFT OF PRESENCE (Christmas Thoughts)

THE GIFT OF PRESENCE: As I get older, I've grown to realize that having/seeing/touching/talking to YOU {esp. family} is the greatest gift I can ask for each year! The Who, the what & the how you are is what I love about YOU-Your GIFT to Me! Materials gifts & food just spice it up! I love You.

I take this time to decree & declare Christmas Blessings to you! From My Family to Yours!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Eyes Have It!

*****THE EYES HAVE IT!*****
When was the last time you looked at your vision, dream, blueprint, 1-, 3-, 5- & 10-year goals? Consider the principle of our loving Father God. In the book of Beginnings, He set the precedent of vision!) He showed Abraham many times what his family would look like (look at the stars--can you number them? look at the sand-how many are there? Father said,  "I see I've made him a great nation...")(and how many times did Abe look without the Father requesting...HE HAD A DREAM!) (GEN 12-18) And speaking of dreams, God showed Joseph a dream that he literally understood at a later time in his life. He became ruler just like his dream portrayed! (GEN 37-45) Jacob put speckled rods in front of the eyes of premium cattle and they PRODUCED speckled & spotted calves... still premium by birth!! (GEN 30) So what are you putting in front of your eyes? Is it positive? OR...Is it corrupting & delibilitating? Is it faith building? OR... is a doubt-filler? I love something Father tells Habakkuk. He says, "though the VISION tarry, wait for it, for it WILL SURELY COME, IT WILL NOT TARRY!" (HAB 2) It is the Father's WILL for what He's placed in your heart, hands and path to COME TO PASS! In fact, WHATEVER HE SPEAKS does come to pass!
I counsel you, dear brothers & sisters...pick up your vision, dream, blueprints & goals. Shift your thinking & BELIEVE WHEN YOU PRAY THAT THOSE THINGS YOU SAY WILL COME TO PASS, and YOU SHALL HAVE THEM!! (MARK 11:22-24) Be encouraged dear brothers & sisters!
#preachingtome #spendingsometimewithmydreams #mysettimeofdestiny

Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Nugget of Truth Concerning: Overcoming Hurt

Hurt people hurt people.

People who have been hurt, abused, maltreated, and victimized ofen end up hurting, abusing, mistreating and victimizing the people they care about. It's often a question of intention and education. Why do they hurt them? In many cases it is the only way they know to relate to situations and people. It happened to them and they feel this is the only way to do it, until they learn differently.

In the spiritual, emotional and natural realm...deliverance and mind renewal is necesssary.
"Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God... Christ is made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption."-1 Cor 1:24-30
:...but be ye transformed by the entire renewal of your mind."-Romans 12:2
This is not a brainwashing, but rather a thinking differently and completely opposite of how you've been trained to live, act and respond. This is what true repentance really is. It is higher level living!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Straining At Gnats But Swallowing Camels

Wisdom: Jesus said, we strain at gnats but swallow camels. See Matthew 23:24

Sometimes it's more easy to accept the big things that we know we can't digest properly but act pompously about. Like we are all that. We like big things. We desire the big and the grand. The big revelations when we can't get the basics! But it's out of order. We should begin first things first. Despise not small beginnings. Learn the small things. Understand the ant and her ways. Figure out the gnat, so you can understand the camel later. Study the ABC's first, then you will have the basic building blocks that support any foundation--and the structure. The gnats are the foundations upon which the camel revelations can stand.
-A conversation with my friend Hope K sparked this thought! God is releasing His saints in greater measure!! Glory~! #lessonsinthebootcamposilence

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Excited About This Very Prophetic Moment: Divine Alignment

As an apostle, prophet, intercessor & servant (to these, God's secrets are revealed), I am finding it overbearingly exciting to be alive in this very prophetic moment of divine alignment. Truly, the blessings and riches of this world pale in comparison to being able to discern and understand what God is doing in the boardroom of heaven AND in the kings of earthly governmental systems.

A question was asked: "Are the saints awake enough?" As I consider this question, I am wondering, are we in the body awake enough to discern the times in which we are living? If we are awake, are we paying attention or are we even interested in what is going on in that realm that literally affects what is going on in our realm?

Truly, this is a time to pray and seek God for more than our own physical needs or comfort. It is a time to pray and get under what the coming Kingdom is preparing and the will of God is declaring! We should be asking the Father for a renewed hunger and thirst to what is needful in this hour and season. Many of you, God wants to use in this plan and indeed, He has His divine time for each of us to be included. Many of you are the midwives that will birth the end-time move of God. We are here for such a time as this and oh how wonderful it is to be in this timing and synchronization of divine events.

My question echoes the above, "Are the saints awake enough?"

Sunday, December 30, 2012

He's actually making you!

So you think this is hard? The heat is turned up; The pressure is too great; They say they hear you, but really, they don't get you; The task is bigger than you; The ones you love rebuke you for the sake of shifting you back to their normal; The word God gave you has never been heard of before by them; You are tired of fighting; You seem to lose way more than you give...

Yeah...maybe it you run away & give up.. that's easier...

But, trust me, you standing in the midst of these things it's the very thing that's making you!
Isaiah 48:10